[V2.16.0] Audit log, link to messages, automation, and more.

Hricha Shandily
Published on
2 minute read
The new Chatwoot v2.16 is here. Here is your April '23 update. 👇
Audit log (Enterprise)
Find the all-new audit log section on your dashboard. This serves as a comprehensive record of all activities occurring within your account. It allows you to track user actions, including the specifics of what was done and when it was done. The audit log covers a range of actions related to account management, automation rules, inboxes, and webhooks, making it easier to monitor the activity within your account.

New and smarter automation rules
Automation conditions let you automate actions based on specific criteria. We've expanded the range of criteria with three new conditions: email, phone number, and conversation language. You can now use these data points to create targeted automation rules.
In addition, you can find new operators like 'contains', 'does not contain' and 'starts with' for more flexibility in setting up your criteria. For example, you could set up an automation to assign conversations to the Customer Success team, and assign a priority
label if an email contains the company name of an important client.

Edit agent availability status as an admin
As an admin, if you need to set an agent's availability as online, busy, or offline, you can now do so by visiting Settings -> Agents -> Edit (for a particular agent).

Copy link to a message
Now you can copy links to your messages. Find the option in the message's context menu by either right-clicking the message or clicking the three dots beside the message. This way, you can share the message  with your teammates and let them know about any specific information and required context.

Right-click for message actions
Right-click on a message to quickly perform an action on it – Copy, translate, copy link to message, or delete.
Other updates and improvements
- Support for message-updated events in the telegram channel
- Ability to download heatmap reports
- support routing in the email channel using ex-original-to in the email header
- Support for sending multiple attachments to Whatsapp inbox
- Improved calculations of reporting metrics
- Advanced IndexDB based caching for common objects like inboxes, labels etc
- Improved contact import
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
- New Languages: Icelandic
Thanks to @ChamathKB, @s00d, @jordan-broughm @clairton, @balawa, @gitstart, @BikashSah999 for the contributions.
P.S. We are nearing the finishing line to V3, stay tuned.